We invite you to our 2011 Day of the Assistant, which will be held on September 24th.
The scientific part will take place at La Ferme de la Maladrerie. Address: Rue de la Maladrerie 51, 1370 Jodoigne. The social part (2CV/2PK rally) will take place at The Good Time Company. Address: Chaussée de Namur 328, 1315 Pietrebais. Dinner will take place at Aux Petits Oignons. Address: Chaussée de Tirlemont 260, 1370 Jodoigne. Outline of the day: 09.30 Registration and breakfast buffet 10.00 Obstructive sleep apnea: an overview Oral appliance therapy for sleep-disordered breathing: an update Dr. O. Vanderveken - UZ Antwerpen 10.40 Sleep-disordered breathing in children Dr. K. Van Hoorenbeeck - UZ Antwerpen 11.30 Coffee break 11.45 Surgical treatments of OSAS - View of the future, including hyoid suspension and hypoglossal nerve stimulation Prof. Dr. Ph. Rombaux - CHU St. Luc Registration at our dedicated page: click here. Please register before September 4th. Registration fee: 20 Euro for VA-NKO members 50 Euro for non-members Payment can be made to: 645-1490310-37 VA-NKO, Kroonlaan 20, 1050 Brussel. Do not forget to mention your name in the comments! Kind regards, the VA-NKO Board.
Draaierigheids- en instabiliteitsklachten, zoals een ijl gevoel in het hoofd en duizeligheid (met misselijkheid en braakneigingen), komen regelmatig voor in de klinische praktijk. De oorzaak van dergelijke stoornissen is niet altijd te situeren in het evenwichtsorgaan of in de projecties van en naar het centrale zenuwstelsel. ‘Out of the box’ denken is dan ook belangrijk, bepaalde aandoeningen vereisen immers een multidisciplinaire diagnostische én therapeutische aanpak. Het symposium ‘Evenwichtsstoornissen: een theoretische en praktische multidisciplinaire aanpak’ benadert deze problematiek vanuit verschillende ooghoeken. Via presentaties en workshops zullen experts uit binnen- en buitenland een deskundig licht werpen op de zaak: Andrzej Zarowski, MD, MSc staflid universitaire dienst NKO Sint-Augustinusziekenhuis, Antwerpen Robby Vanspauwen, PhD clinical research manager universitaire dienst NKO Sint-Augustinusziekenhuis, Antwerpen Herman Kingma, PhD hoofd functieafdeling Vestibulologie, afdeling KNO, AZ Maastricht, Nederland Floris Wuyts, PhD directeur Antwerps Universitair Research centrum voor Evenwicht en Aerospace (AUREA), dienst NKO, Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen Joost van Dinther, MD staflid universitaire dienst NKO Sint-Augustinusziekenhuis, Antwerpen Nadia Verstraeten, BSc audiologe universitaire dienst NKO Sint-Augustinusziekenhuis, Antwerpen Wouter Vinck, MD dienst Endocrinologie Sint-Augustinusziekenhuis, Antwerpen Cathérine Blaivie, MD staflid dienst NKO, Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen William Damman, MD dienst NKO, AZ Sint-Jan, Brugge Luc Vereeck, PhD Artesis Hogeschool, Antwerpen Accreditering is aangevraagd. Locatie: Sint-Augustinus Ziekenhuis, Wilrijk (Antwerpen). Inschrijving vanaf 20 augustus: [email protected] Website: http://www.lessius.eu/la/nieuws/la_symposiumevenwicht.aspx ![]()
We invite you to our 2010 Day of the Assistant, which will be held on September 11th.
The scientific part will take place at the Kasteel de Bunswyck. Address: Tiensesteenweg 343, 3010 Leuven. The social part will take place at the The Gathering. Address: Gobbelrode 119, 3220 Holsbeek. Dinner will take place at Domus Brewery. Address: Tiensestraat 8, 3000 Leuven. Outline of the day: 09.30 - 10.00 Registration and breakfast buffet 10.00 - 10.40 Thyroid physiology and pathophysiology (Prof. Chantrain will be replaced by Prof. Velkeniers) 10.40 - 10.50 Coffee break 10.50 - 11.30 Thyroid surgery (Prof. Vander Poorten) 11.30 - 12.00 Bank van Breda 12.00 - 14.00 Lunch 14.30 - 18.00 Paintball 19.00 - 00.00 Guided tour at Domus Brewery and dinner Registration at our dedicated page: click here. Registration fee: 20 Euro for VA-NKO members 50 Euro for non-members Payment can be made to: 645-1490310-37 VA-NKO, Kroonlaan 20, 1050 Brussel. Do not forget to mention your name in the comments! Kind regards, the VA-NKO Board. VA-NKO members are kindly invited to the 5th Global Otology-Neurotology Live Surgical Broadcast organised by the Live International Otolaryngology Network (LION). The videoconference will take place in the UMC Utrecht. More information in PDF below this post. Register by email via [email protected]. Registration fee is 60 Euro including lunch. Transfer to: CenE Bankiers Bank account number: 69 97 10 774 Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht R0143 + symposium ![]()
We would like to congratulate dr. Kato Speleman en dr. Valerie Hox for winning the Lecturer's award in Otology, and Rhinology and Laryngology, respectively.
K. Speleman, K. Kneepkens, K. Vandendriessche, F. Debruyne, C. Desloovere Sensorineural hearing loss in newborns: incidence and relevance of traditional risk factors in a nicu population. V. Hox, W. Schrooten, F. Indesteege, S. Indesteege, W. Lemmens, M. Rosseel, P. Lemkens Cost-effectiveness of childhood tonsillectomy compared to watchful waiting: impact of economic productivity loss caused by parents’ work absenteeism. Keep up the good work and see you next year! Dear VA-NKO members,
The “first Mandibular Repositioning Appliance (MRA) course of the Lowlands”, will be held at 27 and 28 may 2010 in Antwerp (http://symposium.uza.be/MRAcursus). The course will focus on treatment of snoring and OSAHS with oral appliances, as well as the selection of patients for oral appliance therapy. For ENT specialists focus is also on sleepnasendoscopy, with lectures, workshops and “live surgery”. The organizing committee (Dr. Olivier Vanderveken, ENT department UZA, and Prof. Marc Braem, dentistry department UZA) is able to offer a very significant reduction of 50% on the early inscription fee for the members of the VA-NKO, making it € 300. To subscribe mail to [email protected], before March 31th 2010. These special conditions will be applicable to a total of five subscriptions, on a first come, first served basis. PS: The reduction only applies to members of the VA-NKO and not to the associated members, and the course will be given in Dutch. Dear VA-NKO members,
Our Spring 2010 book sale includes "SCOTT-BROWN'S OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY - HEAD AND NECK SURGERY" (ISBN 9780340808931 book + CD-ROM) which is the definitive reference for trainee ENT surgeons, audiologists and trainee head and neck surgeons, as well as specialists who need detailed, reliable and authoritative information. Pricing This reference work is normally priced around 640€. VA-NKO offers the book + CD-ROM for 350€, which means you get about 300€ discount. Don't forget: you have to be a VA-NKO member to benefit from this offer! So sign in on and pay your membership fee as soon as possible. Order Order by email: [email protected], mentioning "SCOTT-BROWN 2010". Billing and/or delivery address required. Orders have to be made before April 30th 2010! Payment Payment can be made to: 645-1490310-37 VA-NKO, Kroonlaan 20, 1050 Brussel. Do not forget to mention your name in the comments! Kind regards, the VA-NKO board. June 16-19th 2010, the EAONO organizes the Fifth EAONO Instructional workshop in Parma. The Fourth Consensus in Auditory Implants will take place at the same event. Temporal bone dissections will be organised by the Piacenza Gruppo Otologico.
The latest information can be found at: http://www.consensusimplantseaono.eu/ Dear VA-NKO member,
The organising committee of the FESS course has granted 5 reduced course fees to VA-NKO members: 950 Euro instead of 1200 Euro. Interested? Mail [email protected]. The first 5 responders will be granted this reduced fee. Good luck! On January 15th and 16th 2010, the Société Internationale Otologique de Langue Française organises a congress on "Les Surdités de l'Enfant" in Lille.
The complete program can be found at: http://www.siolf.com/Evenements/Congres-SDE/Programme |
May 2023