The department of ENT of the Sint-Lucas Andreas Hospital organizes in collaboration with the center for sleep and apnea in Amsterdam the second "mini-course OSAS". The aim of this course is to get acquainted with the guideline "diagnostics and treatment of OSAS in adulthood" and the application in clinical practice. Recent developments will be discussed. More info in the attached file. ![]()
In collaboration with the Royal Belgian Society for Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, a new Temporal bone drilling contest for ENT-trainees is launched! Purpose: Anatomical dissection consisting of a complete mastoidectomy with attico-antrotomy and posterior tympanotomy with preservation of the scutum and posterior bony canal wall and skeletonization of the semicircular canals and the facial nerve as well as the chorda tympani. The other rules are: - Only for trainees (year 1-5) - Only one submission per candidate - Deadline is July 31, 2014 The prizes are € 1.000 and 500 for the winner and runner-up respectively! More info on the collection of the bones will follow. Please note that only DRY bones will be collected! Good luck! The VA-NKO Board |
May 2023