Dear professor, dear colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that we announce the 2012 Day of the Assistant, which will be held on Saturday 8th September 2012 in Ghent (Monasterium PoortAckere, Oude Houtlei 56). For location on Google Maps, click here (parking nearby). The topic of this year's scientific program is: GENETICS IN OTOLOGY AND NEUROTOLOGY We have invited two national experts including Professor Guy Van Camp (University of Antwerp) and Professor Els De Leenheer (Ghent University Hospital). On top we have asked a senior consultant in the Neurotology and Skull base Unit of Addenbrooke's hospital in Cambridge, Mr. Patrick Axon. Accreditation for ethics and economy requested. Participation to the scientific meeting is free after registration at our website. Social program: 20€ for VA-NKO members, 50€ for non-VA-NKO members. Bank account: BE35 6451 4903 1037 Please register before 1st August. The scientific program includes the following presentations: New genetic technologies and their application in ENT Prof. Dr. Guy Van Camp Dept. of Medical Genetics, University of Antwerp Etiological diagnostics in the hearing impaired child Prof. Dr. Els De Leenheer Dept. of Otorhinolaryngology, Ghent University Hospital Neurofibromatosis type 2: Cost-benefit of hearing rehabilitation in anticipated deafness Patrick Axon MD, FRCS (ORL-HNS) Neurotology and Skull base Unit, Cambridge University Hospitals The social program includes: 12:30 Lunch @ Monasterium PoortAckere, Oude Houtlei 56, Ghent 14:00 “Mission impossible”, Ghent city centre 19:00 Dinner @ Vintage, Onderbergen 35, Ghent We hope to welcome you at this year's Day of the Assistant, Kind regards, The VA-NKO board 2012.
You are kindly invited to the vestibular symposium that is organized in order to provide a framework for understanding the different aspects of peripheral, central and pediatric vestibular disorders. National and international specialists in the vestibular clinical and research field will cover these topics. This symposium is open for all clinicians, audiologists and physiotherapists encountered with the difficult task of understanding and treating patients with vestibular complaints. Robby Vanspauwen Clinical Research Manager ENT Dept. Sint-Augustinus Antwerp Marleen De Sloovere Coordinator External Services, Lessius College Kurt Eggers Programme Coordinator Speech Language Therapy and Audiology, Lessius College More information: ![]()
Op 18 en 19 oktober 2012 wordt de 2de cursus inleiding hoofd-hals oncologie georganiseerd in het Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht. Het betreft een inleiding in de hoofd-hals oncologie waarbij verschillende aspecten aan bod komen. Er is 2 keer live chirurgie afgewisseld met presentaties en er wordt 2 middagen zelf gesneden in de snijzaal. De eerste cursus in 2011 was een groot succes! De cursus staat onder leiding van L.M. Janssen en W.W. Braunius ![]()
May 2023