We invite you to our 2010 Day of the Assistant, which will be held on September 11th.
The scientific part will take place at the Kasteel de Bunswyck. Address: Tiensesteenweg 343, 3010 Leuven. The social part will take place at the The Gathering. Address: Gobbelrode 119, 3220 Holsbeek. Dinner will take place at Domus Brewery. Address: Tiensestraat 8, 3000 Leuven. Outline of the day: 09.30 - 10.00 Registration and breakfast buffet 10.00 - 10.40 Thyroid physiology and pathophysiology (Prof. Chantrain will be replaced by Prof. Velkeniers) 10.40 - 10.50 Coffee break 10.50 - 11.30 Thyroid surgery (Prof. Vander Poorten) 11.30 - 12.00 Bank van Breda 12.00 - 14.00 Lunch 14.30 - 18.00 Paintball 19.00 - 00.00 Guided tour at Domus Brewery and dinner Registration at our dedicated page: click here. Registration fee: 20 Euro for VA-NKO members 50 Euro for non-members Payment can be made to: 645-1490310-37 VA-NKO, Kroonlaan 20, 1050 Brussel. Do not forget to mention your name in the comments! Kind regards, the VA-NKO Board.
Dear VANKO-member,
On Thursday 24th of June 2010, Lapperre organizes the second HEARING AID NIGHT for all VA-NKO members. A main session about hearing profiles will be followed by 3 practical workshops on different aspects of hearing aid and related devices. Afterwards you are invited to enjoy a nice BBQ. The PROGRAM of the evening will be the following: 19.00h: Reception & Aperitive 19.30h: Hearing Profile: a new hearing assessment method for the hearing aid fitter 20.15h: Entree 21.00h: Workshops Labo: fabrication of ear pieces. You will have the opportunity to obtain fitted noise-protection earplugs Audiology department: summary of the gamma Demonstration of FM- and bluetooth-technology 21.45h: Main course and dessert Every participant will receive a free tuning fork. LOCATION: Lapperre NV, Stationsstraat 32, 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden SUBSCRIBE: email to [email protected] before 15th of June 2010. Hope to see you all there! Best regards, Jan-Jaap Hendrickx, president of VA-NKO. VA-NKO members are kindly invited to the 5th Global Otology-Neurotology Live Surgical Broadcast organised by the Live International Otolaryngology Network (LION). The videoconference will take place in the UMC Utrecht. More information in PDF below this post. Register by email via [email protected]. Registration fee is 60 Euro including lunch. Transfer to: CenE Bankiers Bank account number: 69 97 10 774 Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht, Utrecht R0143 + symposium ![]()
We would like to congratulate dr. Kato Speleman en dr. Valerie Hox for winning the Lecturer's award in Otology, and Rhinology and Laryngology, respectively.
K. Speleman, K. Kneepkens, K. Vandendriessche, F. Debruyne, C. Desloovere Sensorineural hearing loss in newborns: incidence and relevance of traditional risk factors in a nicu population. V. Hox, W. Schrooten, F. Indesteege, S. Indesteege, W. Lemmens, M. Rosseel, P. Lemkens Cost-effectiveness of childhood tonsillectomy compared to watchful waiting: impact of economic productivity loss caused by parents’ work absenteeism. Keep up the good work and see you next year! June 16-19th 2010, the EAONO organizes the Fifth EAONO Instructional workshop in Parma. The Fourth Consensus in Auditory Implants will take place at the same event. Temporal bone dissections will be organised by the Piacenza Gruppo Otologico.
The latest information can be found at: http://www.consensusimplantseaono.eu/ On January 15th and 16th 2010, the Société Internationale Otologique de Langue Française organises a congress on "Les Surdités de l'Enfant" in Lille.
The complete program can be found at: http://www.siolf.com/Evenements/Congres-SDE/Programme Wednesday December 9th 2009, the second LION december broadcast will be organised.
Main topic is myringoplasty. For more information, visit the website: http://www.lion-web.org/. We remind you of the contest of drilled temporal bones for Belgian ENT residents / specialist registrars (year 1 - 4) announced by the Royal Belgian Society of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. Location:
Nemo 33 Rue de Stalle 333, 1150 Ukkel Scientific Program: 09h30 - 10h00 - Welcome and coffee at Nemo 33. 10h00 - 11h00 - Dr. Germonpré: Cost-benefit of caisson therapy for sudden deafness. 11h00 - 12h00 - Prof. Lefebvre: Cost-benefit of medical therapy for sudden deafness. 12h00 - 12h45 - Bank van Breda: “Today assistant in training, tomorrow specialist: a giant step forward? Practice managment for the assistant in training and the specialist.” Social Program: 13h00 lunch @ Nemo 33, Rue de Stalle 333, 1190 Uccle 14h00 diving @ Nemo 33, Rue de Stalle 333, 1190 Uccle 19h00 dinner @ La Manifacture, OLV van Vaakstraat 12, 1000 Brussel 21h00 afterparty @ Festival fête de la bière, Grote Markt, Brussel Fee: Scientific session: free. Social program: 18 Euro for VA-NKO members, 50 Euro for non-VA-NKO members. Registration: Register at [email protected]. Payment can be made to: 645-1490310-37; VA-NKO, Kroonlaan 20, 1050 Brussel. Do not forget to mention your name in the comments! |
May 2023