Membership 2023-2024: REGISTRATION CLOSED
Member advantages
Who can become a member?
ENT Trainees
As an ENT trainee (also called 'assistent specialist in opleiding’ or ‘post-gradué/e en formation ORL’) you can become a member of the VA-NKO by completing the registration form and transferring the correct membership fee our bank account (see below). Medicine students in their last year who are interested in becoming an ENT specialist are also allowed, as well as students in a scientific program.
ENT Specialists
ENT Specialists (‘erkende NKO-artsen’ or ‘ORL reconnu’) who wish to remain in contact with their young colleagues or wish to enjoy our benefits can also become a member. Complete the registration form on this page. The subscription fee is has to be paid on our bank account.
How to become a member?
1. Complete the registration form below before 31/12/2023
2. Transfer the membership fee to the VA-NKO bank account, with mentioning of your name
The membership fee is €15 for ENT trainees and €50 for ENT specialists.
Membership fees are payable each beginning of the academic year (new arrangement starting this year)
BE35 6451 4903 1037
Kroonlaan 20
1050 Brussel
- As an ENT Trainee you automatically become a member of the Royal Belgian Society for Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery. Please do register for the Royal Belgian Association online ( ENT Specialists (‘erkende NKO-artsen’ or ‘ORL reconnu’) are not eligible for this profit.
- You receive the official journal of the Royal Society, B-ENT, for free. Previously known as the Acta Otolaryngologica Belgica.
- You automatically become a member of the VBS or GBS (
- You enjoy significant price reductions on group purchases of interesting books, journals and reference material.
- You enjoy member fees for our social and scientific events.
- Insurance (only for trainees).
- The more members we have, the more weight we can exert in meetings and decisions that affect us all.
Who can become a member?
ENT Trainees
As an ENT trainee (also called 'assistent specialist in opleiding’ or ‘post-gradué/e en formation ORL’) you can become a member of the VA-NKO by completing the registration form and transferring the correct membership fee our bank account (see below). Medicine students in their last year who are interested in becoming an ENT specialist are also allowed, as well as students in a scientific program.
ENT Specialists
ENT Specialists (‘erkende NKO-artsen’ or ‘ORL reconnu’) who wish to remain in contact with their young colleagues or wish to enjoy our benefits can also become a member. Complete the registration form on this page. The subscription fee is has to be paid on our bank account.
How to become a member?
1. Complete the registration form below before 31/12/2023
2. Transfer the membership fee to the VA-NKO bank account, with mentioning of your name
The membership fee is €15 for ENT trainees and €50 for ENT specialists.
Membership fees are payable each beginning of the academic year (new arrangement starting this year)
BE35 6451 4903 1037
Kroonlaan 20
1050 Brussel