Belgian Residents Otorhinolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
What does VA-NKO mean? The acronym VA-NKO stands for Vereniging voor Assistenten Neus-, Keel-, Oorheelkunde en Gelaat- en Halschirurgie.
Who are we? We are a politically and philosophically independent society, partnering with the Royal Belgian Society for Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery, and the professional society for ENT specialists as well.
Who can become a member? Each Belgian specialist registrar (‘assistent in opleiding voor Neus-Keel-Oorziekten en Gelaat- & Halsheelkunde’ or ‘post-gradué/e en formation ORL’) that graduated as a medical doctor and/or master in medicine, and has a rotation plan recognized by one of the Belgian universities, can be an effective member.
Associated members can include: medical doctors and/or masters in medicine who are in trainig for another discipline; board members of the Royal Belgian Society for Otorhinolaryngology and Head & Neck Surgery or the professional society for ENT specialists; graduated ENT consultants; non-medical doctors who belong to the scientific personnel of a Belgian university.
Who founded VA-NKO? VA-NKO was founded by 9 ENT specialist registrars, representing the four Flemish universities: Ina Foulon (VUB), Gert Jeunen (KUL), Katrien Ketelslagers (UA), Griet Laureyns (KUL), Bob Lerut (KUL), Joost van Dinther (UA), Anouk Van Peteghem (VUB), Thibaut Van Zele (UG) and Jeroen Clement (UG).
What are our objectives? To group all Belgian ENT specialist registrars.To provide information to our members by means of a website. To improve communication between different faculties. To organise scientific and social activities. To defend the interests of the ENT specialist registrars in different institutions and governments. To organise group purchases for scientific books and medical material.