More details on the Emergency Course are now available.
Participation is free for VA-NKO members! Sign in at [email protected]. The Emergency Course is aimed at first and second year residents to get acquainted with some important clinical issues (cfr. when you're on call). Two small groups will be created, giving you the opportunity to interact with our expert. Location: Salons de Romree, Grimbergen. Date : 10/10/09 from 9h00 till 14h00 with lunch. 09.00-09.30 - Reception of members 09.30-10.00 - Dangerous vertigo (Dr. Versijpt, neurologist) - Otological emergencies (Dr. Topsakal, ENT) 10.00-10.30 - Otological emergencies (Dr. Topsakal, ENT) - Dangerous vertigo (Dr. Versijpt, neurologist) 10.30-11.00 - Epistaxis (Dr. De Vos, ENT) - Provox placement (Dr. Spinato, ENT) 11.00-11.30 - Coffee Break 11.30-12.00 - Provox placement (Dr. Spinato, ENT)- Epistaxis (Dr. De Vos, ENT) 12.00-12.30 - Difficult intubation (Dr. Schmitz, anesthesiologist) - Percutaneous tracheostomy (Dr. Sokolow, thoracic surgeon) 13.00 - Lunch kindly offered by Schering-Plough.
The first French-speaking course in Belgium on functional endoscopic sinus surgery will be held February 3-5 2010 in Brussels (Hôpital Erasme) and Mons (UMons). Theoretical sessions, live surgeries and cadaver dissections are scheduled.
Further information can be found on the following website: Program in PDF can be found here: Le premier cours belge de chirurgie endoscopique des sinus en langue française aura lieu les 3, 4 et 5 février 2010 à Bruxelles (Hôpital Erasme) et à Mons (UMons). Le cours comportera des enseignements théoriques, des démonstrations opératoires et des dissections sur cadavre. Plus d'informations: Consultez le programme: |
May 2023