In succession of last year, the VA-NKO will, together with the Royal Belgian Society of Otorhinolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery, organize a Temporal bone drilling contest.
The assignment is: - Anatomical dissection consisting of a complete mastoidectomy with attico-antromy and posterior tympanotomy with preservation of the scutum and posterior bony canal wall and skeletonization of the semicircular canals and the facial nerve as well as the chorda tympani. The other rules are: - Only one submission is allowed. - No last year residents allowed. - Deadline is 31 Januari 2011. - Delivery to Elisabeth Geens, secretary PO Box 1248 B-3001 Leuven - Louvain Telephone: +32 473 35 27 80 Prizes, 1.000 and 500 Euro for winner and runner-up respectively, are awarded during the prize session of the Spring Congress on 2 April 2011.
We remind you of the contest of drilled temporal bones for Belgian ENT residents / specialist registrars (year 1 - 4) announced by the Royal Belgian Society of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery. |
May 2023