Dear VANKO-member,
On Thursday 24th of June 2010, Lapperre organizes the second HEARING AID NIGHT for all VA-NKO members. A main session about hearing profiles will be followed by 3 practical workshops on different aspects of hearing aid and related devices. Afterwards you are invited to enjoy a nice BBQ. The PROGRAM of the evening will be the following: 19.00h: Reception & Aperitive 19.30h: Hearing Profile: a new hearing assessment method for the hearing aid fitter 20.15h: Entree 21.00h: Workshops Labo: fabrication of ear pieces. You will have the opportunity to obtain fitted noise-protection earplugs Audiology department: summary of the gamma Demonstration of FM- and bluetooth-technology 21.45h: Main course and dessert Every participant will receive a free tuning fork. LOCATION: Lapperre NV, Stationsstraat 32, 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden SUBSCRIBE: email to [email protected] before 15th of June 2010. Hope to see you all there! Best regards, Jan-Jaap Hendrickx, president of VA-NKO.
May 2023