Keep the date! Saturday October 10th, the VA-NKO Emergency Course will take place.
How I do it and hands-on practice are the keywords. Subjects include: - Intubation - Dangerous vertigo - Percutaneous tracheostomy - Epistaxis - Provox - Otological emergencies Further information will be provided when available.
The otoscopes are ordered and will be delivered in the near future. Further information will be provided when available.
Nemo 33 Rue de Stalle 333, 1150 Ukkel Scientific Program: 09h30 - 10h00 - Welcome and coffee at Nemo 33. 10h00 - 11h00 - Dr. Germonpré: Cost-benefit of caisson therapy for sudden deafness. 11h00 - 12h00 - Prof. Lefebvre: Cost-benefit of medical therapy for sudden deafness. 12h00 - 12h45 - Bank van Breda: “Today assistant in training, tomorrow specialist: a giant step forward? Practice managment for the assistant in training and the specialist.” Social Program: 13h00 lunch @ Nemo 33, Rue de Stalle 333, 1190 Uccle 14h00 diving @ Nemo 33, Rue de Stalle 333, 1190 Uccle 19h00 dinner @ La Manifacture, OLV van Vaakstraat 12, 1000 Brussel 21h00 afterparty @ Festival fête de la bière, Grote Markt, Brussel Fee: Scientific session: free. Social program: 18 Euro for VA-NKO members, 50 Euro for non-VA-NKO members. Registration: Register at [email protected]. Payment can be made to: 645-1490310-37; VA-NKO, Kroonlaan 20, 1050 Brussel. Do not forget to mention your name in the comments! |
May 2023