Het Algemeen Ziekenhuis Diest is een dynamisch lokaal ziekenhuis van 211 bedden. Het ziekenhuis beschikt over uitgebreide medische en technische diensten.Voor de verdere uitbouw van het zorgaanbod hebben wij volgende vacatures:
Geneesheer-specialist in neus-, keel- en oorziekten (m/v) Geïnteresseerden sturen een sollicitatiebrief met curriculum vitae aan: Prof. dr. R. Lysens, hoofdgeneesheer, AZ Diest, Michel Theysstraat 18, 3290 Diest of per e-mail: [email protected] Voor bijkomende inlichtingen kan u terecht op tel. 013/35 47 05 (Prof. dr. R. Lysens).
We would like to congratulate dr. Kato Speleman en dr. Valerie Hox for winning the Lecturer's award in Otology, and Rhinology and Laryngology, respectively.
K. Speleman, K. Kneepkens, K. Vandendriessche, F. Debruyne, C. Desloovere Sensorineural hearing loss in newborns: incidence and relevance of traditional risk factors in a nicu population. V. Hox, W. Schrooten, F. Indesteege, S. Indesteege, W. Lemmens, M. Rosseel, P. Lemkens Cost-effectiveness of childhood tonsillectomy compared to watchful waiting: impact of economic productivity loss caused by parents’ work absenteeism. Keep up the good work and see you next year! Dear VA-NKO members,
The “first Mandibular Repositioning Appliance (MRA) course of the Lowlands”, will be held at 27 and 28 may 2010 in Antwerp (http://symposium.uza.be/MRAcursus). The course will focus on treatment of snoring and OSAHS with oral appliances, as well as the selection of patients for oral appliance therapy. For ENT specialists focus is also on sleepnasendoscopy, with lectures, workshops and “live surgery”. The organizing committee (Dr. Olivier Vanderveken, ENT department UZA, and Prof. Marc Braem, dentistry department UZA) is able to offer a very significant reduction of 50% on the early inscription fee for the members of the VA-NKO, making it € 300. To subscribe mail to [email protected], before March 31th 2010. These special conditions will be applicable to a total of five subscriptions, on a first come, first served basis. PS: The reduction only applies to members of the VA-NKO and not to the associated members, and the course will be given in Dutch. Dear VA-NKO members,
Our Spring 2010 book sale includes "SCOTT-BROWN'S OTORHINOLARYNGOLOGY - HEAD AND NECK SURGERY" (ISBN 9780340808931 book + CD-ROM) which is the definitive reference for trainee ENT surgeons, audiologists and trainee head and neck surgeons, as well as specialists who need detailed, reliable and authoritative information. Pricing This reference work is normally priced around 640€. VA-NKO offers the book + CD-ROM for 350€, which means you get about 300€ discount. Don't forget: you have to be a VA-NKO member to benefit from this offer! So sign in on and pay your membership fee as soon as possible. Order Order by email: [email protected], mentioning "SCOTT-BROWN 2010". Billing and/or delivery address required. Orders have to be made before April 30th 2010! Payment Payment can be made to: 645-1490310-37 VA-NKO, Kroonlaan 20, 1050 Brussel. Do not forget to mention your name in the comments! Kind regards, the VA-NKO board. |
May 2023