We would like to congratulate dr. Kato Speleman en dr. Valerie Hox for winning the Lecturer's award in Otology, and Rhinology and Laryngology, respectively.
K. Speleman, K. Kneepkens, K. Vandendriessche, F. Debruyne, C. Desloovere Sensorineural hearing loss in newborns: incidence and relevance of traditional risk factors in a nicu population. V. Hox, W. Schrooten, F. Indesteege, S. Indesteege, W. Lemmens, M. Rosseel, P. Lemkens Cost-effectiveness of childhood tonsillectomy compared to watchful waiting: impact of economic productivity loss caused by parents’ work absenteeism. Keep up the good work and see you next year!
June 16-19th 2010, the EAONO organizes the Fifth EAONO Instructional workshop in Parma. The Fourth Consensus in Auditory Implants will take place at the same event. Temporal bone dissections will be organised by the Piacenza Gruppo Otologico.
The latest information can be found at: http://www.consensusimplantseaono.eu/ The following persons have been introduced as board candidates at the Royal Belgian Society Annual Meeting:
- From Antwerp: Nora van Ardenne, Vincent Van Rompaey and Jorn Potvin. - From Brussels ULB: Marc Van Der Ghinst, Christophe Verbeurgt, Martine Vanlommel. - From Brussels VUB: Jan-Jaap Hendrickx. - From Ghent: Leen Van Crombruggen, Lien Calus and Evelyne Van Houtte. - From Leuven: Valerie Hox, Monique Verguts and Pieter-Jan Leupe. On January 15th and 16th 2010, the Société Internationale Otologique de Langue Française organises a congress on "Les Surdités de l'Enfant" in Lille.
The complete program can be found at: http://www.siolf.com/Evenements/Congres-SDE/Programme The agenda has been updated so you can quickly find interesting ENT events (courses, congresses, ...) in the Benelux. |
May 2023